Thursday, April 30, 2009

Science 03-Apr-2009 Edition

QuteMol-rendered image of human rhinovirus

Illustrating virion topography. Red, blue, and yellow denote the three major surface capsid proteins; examples of RNA regional motifs are colored according to predicted base-pairing fidelity. Sequence diversity within the major surface proteins contributes to the wide range of immunogenic serotypes characteristic of the "common cold."

On the Origin of Flowering Plants

Which plant was the mother of all angiosperms? In the fourth essay in Science's series in honor of the Year of Darwin, Elizabeth Pennisi discusses efforts to answer Darwin's question about how flowering plants diversified and spread so rapidly across the globe.

Cold Equations

Far from his cozy office in landlocked Utah, a mathematician grapples with the secrets of polar sea ice.

Trouble on the Final Frontier

NASA's scientific missions have enjoyed spectacular success. But significant cost overruns and launch delays jeopardize future missions.

Automating Science

Computers with intelligence can design and run experiments, but learning from the results to generate subsequent experiments requires even more intelligence.


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